Sunday, September 26, 2010

hot or cold? My body doesn't know

It's over 107 degrees right now and you can literally slap the heat by just moving a little.

Since the sun's draining all of my energy, my brain started thinking of random things.  Specifically, which would I choose to live in if I could only choose one -- extremely hot weather or freezing cold?

I sat here and thought seriously about each one.  There are pros with each but all were outweighed by their cons.    I still don't know which I'd choose.

Anyways, it's too hot to type right now so if you readers could only choose one, which would it be and why?


  1. Cold. Its less stressing. More annoying.

  2. I hate the heat, but I've been freezing all week long.

  3. Cold for sure, I'm a northerner so I actually enjoy it. Heat just makes me feel sweaty and gross and helpless.

  4. 107 is hot for sure... people think of florida as hot, but our all-time record high temperature is only 99 degrees...

  5. i wish it was like 50 degrees every night everywhere. i hate sleeping in the heat.

  6. I would probably go for cold, you can get warm easier than you can get cold. And no one smells bad because it's too cold for the molecules to move very far! following you!

  7. hmm you can only take off so much, but you can bundle up and make fires when its cold. so cold here

  8. Thanks for the comments on my last GTL blog post.

  9. cold totally i can always put on more clothes but i can only get so naked

  10. looks awesome!
    supportin & follow you;)

  11. cold because i always think theres a better chance of my body overheating than freezing to death. no idea why

  12. cold for sure, i hate the heat :x

  13. hot, I live in Florida so Im used to it

  14. Cold, man - I can add layers, move to keep warm, share bodyheat, turn on a heater, many many options. With heat, once you're in the shade, have hydrated (if possible), and removed as many layers as possible, that's it. You're not cooling down any after that.

  15. I know I am FREEZING right now.
