Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Internet needs an upgrade

I've been getting extremely bored browsing around online.

There could be many reasons for this, but I feel like all content is so easily accessible so it's less appealing than it was before.

This isn't a complaint, I love the internet.

I just fear the monotony may become overwhelming with time.

What happens after the internet?


  1. The internet was made as a universal way to access knowledge easily. You can get bored of it just as you can get bored with a book over a long enough period of time. Stop using it for a while. You'll come back. They always come back.

  2. start doing different things on the internet :o

  3. I agree. Theres nothing to do sometimes. Theres only so many social networking sites you can be apart of but how many status updates can you really do in a day. Let me know if you find something worth doing on the internet because im running out of stuff too.

  4. yeah, the Internet does need an upgrade... I want faster speeds

  5. I need a faster connection. My VIDEOS ARE SLOW LOADING.

  6. Without the internet, we wouldn't have each other :P

  7. When I'm not on the net, I feel like I am missing out on something. When I am on the net, I'm usually just scrolling around in boredom. Derp...

  8. I feel the same.

    I'm bored of going to the same websites every day, I found loads of interesting ones once, and now they are all the same.

  9. yes lets get a 2.0 going. thats what we need :)

  10. Nice post, bro! I follow you! Can you follow me?
